Teachers must insure that the material they have presented has "stuck" in the neurons and synapses of their students and can be used analytically on new material when students are presented with questions that ask them to pick the "best situation" answer. This will be much more subjective than objective and I think teachers are going to have to try and decipher how the test designers pattern the questions and set up the two answers that a thoughtful person would think might be the correct choice. I took a quick peek at the practice test web site and tried to do some analysis, but got a royal headache and stopped because I think it will take me awhile to nail it down.
An excel spreadsheet to track key words in the explanations given to justify the correct answer choice to find a pattern is probably the way to go. I am not a math person so will only focus on one grade level in elementary, middle and high school in English to see if I find a reasonable approach to decision making choices you can hand off to your students. I'll take a peek at elementary math because I did teach that at one point, but I make no promises about making any great finds.
Now the main point that flashed into my brain this morning that I want to share before I explain the leadership report card. I've been reading impossible numbers for class sizes and the variety of student learning styles and needs being reported in newspaper and my informal talks with teachers I meet confirm this information.
The solution in the 70's was learning centers. I first started teaching in an open classroom with eight other teachers. We couldn't teach whole class. We used a centers approach and taught small rotating groups. We even got together and designed centers so that we weren't overwhelmed with work. We used those big manila envelopes so that all the parts could be stored upright in a Staples box with no lid - labeled the outside with the objective and passed them around. I'll write more about this later. Now, the leadership report card.
The Leadership report card is modeled on an old-fashioned elementary school report card. It should have a front - designed by the student group preparing the report card and then be folded in half and have a left and right side. The back is where the students will list their names and the citations from their research. It will work best if the group uses Power Point to do this project because they can put in the text boxes and design features. Once the report card is ready the group should present this orally and average all the grades together to produce an overall leadership grade.
They can do a Power Point, a panel discussion, a tableau (could be fun if they dressed historically - one group in one of my classes did a report card on poor Marie Antoinette, she got a D and that was a gift of a grade - and they did a tableau - one was Marie and the rest her courtiers and she even had a stuffed toy poodle - each courtier stepped forward and related a story about her and she refuted the myth that she had ever said, "Let them eat cake." They used fake French accents and it was fantastic, well-research and really entertaining.
Front of report card:
NAME OF LEADER: _________________________________________
PLACE OF BIRTH:___________________________________________
DATE OF BIRTH (DEATH IF NEEDED):__________________________
CURRENT POSITION:________________________________________
PAST POSITIONS OF NOTE:__________________________________
Inside left of report card:
Name of leader:_________________ Letter grades are given in each category with specific written examples of how the grade was determined. A = 90% - 100%, B = 80% - 89%, C = 70% - 79%, D = 60% - 69%, F = 59% or below.
_____ Accomplishments or Products:
Letter Grade
Vision or Mission (Look for Quotes)
Letter Grade
Intelligence/Skills Needed to be Effective in area of leadership ie. military, C.E.O., politics, other
(Schools attended - grades - inventions - writings - etc.)
Letter Grade
Communication Skills/Charisma
Letter Grade
Organizational Skills/Indications of Resourcefulness
Letter Grade
Inside Right of Report Card
Letter Grade
Letter Grade
Sense of Values/Morals/Ethics
Letter Grade
Physical Well-being
Letter Grade
Risk Taker
Letter Grade
Back of Report Card: Names of group members starting with group leader - please list briefly what you did to make the project a success: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Works Cited
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