Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sorry Not to Have Been Blogging! Will be back by January 1

I must apologize for not blogging and for not letting you know why I haven't posted in so long. I'm in grad school taking my second course to self renew my teaching license even though I don't think I'd want to teach in a public school again under the current regime of testing, Department of Justice mandates in the two school systems near where I live are putting additional burdens on school systems that according to the source I spoke with were not actively discriminatory, but the result of, sadly, the actions of a handful of "bad apples".

My goal is to be an advocate for teachers training teachers, appropriate use of technology, integrating research/STEM with humanities driven courses so that ethics and an understanding of trends through the ages in science and technology don't get lost - even engineers have to know about the excesses of King Lear and the abuse of power throughout the ages and the need to be part of a community - not on Facebook, but face to face.

Teachers and parents need to work together to promote a balance of activities throughout the school day and appropriate use of technology and testing so that students don't display signs of autism that may really relate to a lack of enough proper physical activity and free play. (That's why at sixty-four, I'm getting my group fitness instructors certification.)

I hope that we can tap the talents of the community in ways we have never dared to contemplate  - it is already happening, but is it reaching enough of our children, parents and others who need to dream that what they have to share is important and meaningful at any age?

My rotator cuff surgery has made typing painful and I finally have the money for a decent video camera  - so I hope to redesign the blog site and keep researching for the things you want to know. In a format that works. Best wishes for a wonderful winter season - hope it's not too cold! See you in January!

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